Visitors that come at night, By Ryujin Jang

 Visitors that come at night, By Ryujin Jang


One’s homestead is commonly considered to be a zone of comfort and safety. Even those who have to face problems like disagreeable family members still consider their home as a place of expectation. Thus, to a citizen of a modern country, ‘unwanted visitors’ are easily a shocking experience.

 I myself have never had a similar experience, but I once was the unexpected visitor myself. When I was about fifteen, our family left the city of Changwon where I loved my whole life, and moved to Seoul. The apartment we moved to was a seven story building, and our house was on the fifth floor. One day, when I came back from school, I used the staircase only to unconsciously step up to the third floor, which was the floor our house in Changwon was. When I pressed the password into the door dial, it only lett out a dull rejection bell chime. Right after that I saw that this floor was the third, and I scrambled up two more stairs. I still do not know to this day whether anyone was in that house on the third floor to this day.

I rated this story eight out of ten. (199 words)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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