Extreme_Chulsoo, By H.S. Kim

 Extreme_Chulsoo, By H.S. Kim 


I found it very ironic that Chulsoo left the original system of CSAT only to join a different system of SNS starship. Chulsoo found the students studying for good grades to be unable to understand,, while he chose to perform every stupid trend and material that can get him a bit more attention any day.

I personally believe the regrets he felt at the last moment were not just about risking his life for some attention on the internet, but possibly because he suddenly realized he failed to really venture past the system. He may have chose a life most others don’t, but I don’t think that didn’t mean he really found himself the true meaning of life.

But I can’t blame Chulsoo for his choices, for the real target to blame is the society itself. In modern South Korea, you’re either the overworked whitecolor businessman inside the window, or the SNS addict dopamine junkie hanging outside the building cleaning it. A vicious caste forced upon most souls, except a few lucky like Chulsoo’s uncle.

This story made me wonder the real goal of life in various layers. I rated it eight out of ten. (195 words)


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