Caring For Plants, By Hye-young Pyun (2017)

Caring For Plants, By Hye-young Pyun (2017)


I found it interesting that not a single person in this whole story is likable. Oghi, pitiful and dismantled as he is, is a somewhat degenerate guy with pretty unlikable thoughts. The mother-in-law seems to be quite self-righteous with secret plans about everything. The caregiver possibly stole and drank during working, and secretly considered Oghi to be a cripple all along. The pastor seemed to be doing his job for the money. The only people we don’t really judge in this story are the therapist, who seems to be a decent guy, and Oghi’s wife, who is already dead.

I guess this is normal, a bit even like real life. Everyone has flaws that they tend to hide from others to pass as a good person. Getting to close to that person, and getting to know all these flaws, may make us quickly hate that person.

Does the mother-in-law actually plan to kill Oghi? I personally think she is pondering about it herself. She seemed to have mixed ideas about Oghi, yet she did get more and more hostile.

The tragedies of life tend to come at us suddenly, and combined. I rated this story seven out of ten. (199 words)


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