Puppy, By George Sanders (2007)

 Puppy, By George Sanders (2007)


I was surprised after hearing many people sympathized with Kellie. This woman a tied her mentally disabled son with a leash in the lawn. Whatever the consequences, whatever the reason, I find this very hard to be accepted. It’s downright child abuse.

Some may argue, the leash is not so much different with putting a baby in a cradle. It’s true that both a cradle and Bo’s leash is being used as a form of protection so that the child doesn’t get himself/herself killed. However, a baby in a cradle is in a completely different condition compared to Bo. In a normal situation, a cradle would be safely indoors, and the parents would likely be near it. Bo is left to play outdoors in an obviously filthy yard, and judging by his condition described in the story, he could easily get himself killed in ways not including running into the road.

Overall, some characters in the story were extremely unlikable, but the way the author skipped between the minds of the two mothers was quite interesting. I rated it seven out of ten. (183 words)


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

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