On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, By Haruki Murakami (1981)

On Seeing the 100% Perfect Girl One Beautiful April Morning, By Haruki Murakami



Love at first sight is probably the most cliche things to happen in a love story. But despite the fact it has been overused so much more times than it should logically be, it still makes us feel an unexplainable warm excitement. Maybe that’s why love is such a magical thing. It cannot be explained, it's not logical at all, but still, it’s it is the greatest beauty of life.

About the term ‘100percent’. I first found it a bit too numerical and direct. It felt wrong to explains love in numbers, probably because I was used to writers explaining love with long, fancy sentences full of mellow words. However, when I reached the end of the story, I concluded that it was a special and honest way to explain affection.

I found the part where the man explains the concept of a boy and a girl who lost their memories and met after years have passed to be very intriguing. It was a strange but affective way to explain how strong he was attracted to the girl.

I found Murakami’s ways of using new phrases very fun and special. Thus, I rated this story nine out of ten.

(199 words)


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