The Student, By Anton Chekhov (1894)

 The Student, By Anton Chekhov (1894)

Ratings: 8/10

 The plot of this story is very simple. The main character Ivan finishes his hunt, visits a family of two widows, tells them a story, and leaves. However in this short, simple series of actions, Ivan learns something immensely complex and important. What I liked about the story was that Ivan's recognition wasn't caused by something drastic and fancy. Instead, it started with simple everyday actions with simple everyday people. I think the author wanted us to understand that life and it's beauty is able to be found everywhere every moment. Chekhov emphasized this even more by Ivan finding out the meanings and beauty of life not from dramatic and important events, but from a humble experience. What I found a bit awkward about this story is that Ivan's enlightenment is based strongly on Christian faith. Although I knew what his story was about, having read the bible, I found the whole escalation of feelings unnatural. Still, I think the final lesson about human life and the positive feelings were very understandable for unbelievers too. Thus, I rate this story eight out of ten. (184 words)


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