"The Student" and stage 4 of the hero's journey

 In the stage four of the hero's journey, the hero of the story meets a mentor who provides the hero with wise advises and various forms of guidance. In the case of Anton Chekhov's short story "The Student", I believe this stage of the hero's journey does not exist. Instead of getting help from a mentor, the story's hero Ivan develops his own point of view from his experiences. One may argue that the two widows Vasilisa and Lukerya's reactions affected Ivan make his conclusion, but I believe that these two women were more of a background than actual characters. This story focuses in Ivan and his inner thoughts, leaving no place for a mentor of some kind.


이 블로그의 인기 게시물

"Araby" and stage 4 of the hero's journey

The Second Bakery Attack, By Haruki Murakami (1981)

A Mother, By James Joyce (1914)